Tips to keep in mind, if you’re a woman travelling solo

by admin
Traveling the world has become a rite of passage in today’s world. In the past, it was mostly men or families that traveled but female solo traveling was unheard of. However, in today’s increasingly feminist world, women have bravely taken up the travel lifestyle on their own.
When I was studying abroad in college, I loved the experience so much that I decided to take every break as an opportunity to further travel. The summer of my sophomore year, I enrolled in a study abroad program which included one month on a ship and visits to five countries in South America. This trip convinced me that at some point in her life, every woman should travel alone.
However, we cannot discount the fact that the world isn’t the same for women as it is for men. Naturally, when it comes to traveling, women face far more challenges than men. So the question arises, is it worth it for women traveling solo?
Here are some things which women traveling solo should keep in mind:
1. Prepare for a huge boost in confidence:
In our patriarchal society, a lot of women lack the confidence to navigate through life’s challenges. And the truth is that making the decision to travel solo requires a huge leap of faith for any person. Traveling in general can be uncomfortable, and even more so for a woman. There will be plenty of opportunities which will propel you out of your comfort zone. When you’re able to overcome travel hiccups and persevere through difficulties alone in an alien corner of the world, the confidence and empowerment you’ll feel within yourself will be like nothing you’ve ever felt before.
2. Relish the independence:
With confidence comes a sense of independence and liberation. Imagine all the things you previously depended on somebody else for, but now you can do them all by yourself. When you’re relying solely on yourself, you develop strong survival instincts and sharper reflexes which become your permanent partner in life. Even after you’ve returned home, nothing will rattle you anymore. You’ll feel much more mentally and emotionally independent because all that time alone made you comfortable in your skin. Your overbearing male colleague will no longer intimidate you nor will financial strife throw you in a panic. You’ll know you are a badass woman who can survive and thrive no matter what.
3. You will learn and you will heal:
Every up and every down you face while you’re traveling will be a learning experience. As a woman, you’ll be more welcomed and trusted by locals than a man will be. Strangers will offer more help – be it a free phone call, a ride or some money – and families will take you in as their own. You’ll soon find yourself with adoptive families across the world. The love and kindness you’ll experience will restore your faith in humanity. As a woman, you’ll find this compassion as a healing experience for all the times you were abused and ill-treated because of your gender.
This week we talked about some great perks of traveling solo as woman. Next week, we’ll face some uncomfortable truths involved in the process and how women can overcome them for a great thrilling trip.